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Grey Bear RIBA stage 3 Planning

3. Planning Applications

Preparation of developed design drawings with sufficient information for submission to the Planning Authority to apply for planning approval. You will receive a copy of the drawings and documents submitted to Planning together with a copy of the 3D model for viewing on a computer or tablet.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the outcome of any submission to the Planning Authority. However, obtaining advice at pre-application stage is intended to improve the possibility of a positive outcome. Due to the nature of the planning process, the conditions attached to any approval are unique to each project. Where we are appointed to undertake Building Control drawings for the next stage of work, we will endeavour to discharge these conditions as part of the Building Control application, however if any of the planning conditions are beyond our normal scope, such as is often the case with listed buildings we reserve the right to charge our hourly rate for discharge of these conditions. This will of course be discussed with you in advance of our commencing this work. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss this further. 

As an RIBA Chartered Practice we follow a process of work which is divided into stages. 


The RIBA Plan of Work organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing and operating building projects into eight stages and details the tasks and outputs required at each stage.

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